Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Tv Show Review

Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (TV Series 2000–2001) Poster

To Infinity and Beyond!

With 1 or two exceptions, animated shows from Disney actually suck. Buzz Lightyear of Star Command IS one of those exceptions. The series is entertaining and funny. It has some of the amuse of Toy Story. Best of all, this show doesn't try to install some sappy moral like Disney'south Doug or Pepper Ann. I highly recommend Buzz Lightyear of Star Command.

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Warburton Takes Lightyear to in... oh, I tin can't practice it.

Honestly, Patrick Warburton not but voices Buzz better than Tim Allen, he voices him waaay better.

Now, don't get me incorrect. I loved Toy Story and Toy Story two. But when it comes to the drawing serial, Warburton manages to go on Buzz a tough, good-cop character and all the same make him (amusingly plenty) more 3 dimensional than Allen did. Instead of the too-good-to-be-true toy that happens to be on Woody'south bad side to start, yous have a guy with flaws, who doesn't necessarily always take an answer, or fifty-fifty a inkling. Add in the genuinely good one-act (peculiarly for a Disney series), forth with the rest of the vocalism actors, and you've got something terrific here.

If yous judge the drawing version of Buzz and the Toy Story version against each other, you've got the wrong idea to start. Attempt looking at them as seperate characters. You'll likely find that not only do you like Warburton's version, you honey him.

As for Nicole Sullivan, voicing Mira, she provides Fizz his perfect counter-rest. A tough, intelligent, witty female who isn't afraid to knock the edge off of his arrogance, only who still is willing to face danger grow to protect him. Now that'southward one well-done character.

XR'southward... perfect. If you've seen MST3K, think of a mix between Tom and Crow. Him solitary is skillful reason to spotter. And speaking of MST3K, Booster's about the perfect mix between Mike Nelson and TVs Frank... gullible, somewhat neurotic, mildly clingy farmboy.

Watch it. Information technology's worth it.

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Neat show, fifty-fifty for adults

E'er since my four-twelvemonth-sometime son saw Toy Story, he'south loved Buzz Lightyear. So, when we got the Buzz Lightyear of Star Control video and saw that there was going to be a television show based off the video, I knew I was going to accept to watch it. Even though the Toy Story movies were peachy, afterwards watching them for the five hundredth time, they got erstwhile, and then I wasn't really looking forrard to the series (fifty-fifty though my son couldn't wait).

When the bear witness premiered, though, I was more than than pleasantly surprised. It was good. I actually wait forward to my daily dose of Buzz Lightyear. The bear witness is true-blue to the Fizz Lightyear franchise, and has plenty of jokes in it that can go along even a grown up entertained and laughing. Plus, there have been plenty of episodes, so I don't meet the same ones that often, even though my son watches them every mean solar day.

Part of the reason I like this show and then much is that Patrick Warburton (David Puddy of Seinfeld fame) plays Fizz Lightyear. He does an excellent job with the character. In fact, I think he does at least as skilful, if not better, a job as Tim Allen did in the movies. His nemesis, The Evil Emperor Zurg, is played by Wayne Knight (Newman from Seinfeld), and the chemistry is groovy.

There as well accept been numerous invitee voices, ranging from Eric Idle to Ricardo Montalbán, making the show that much more enjoyable.

The show is great fun, for the whole family.

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viii /10

Cool thought, pleasant testify, and Crawly theme music.

I watched this with my trivial brother when I was in high schoolhouse. The bear witness came on Sabbatum mornings and entertained the states. I still sing the theme music. As a huge Disney/Pixar fan, I love Toy Story. The concept behind this show was cool because you become to watch what Andy watched and learned to love Buzz Lightyear from. The characters are memorable (which is the nearly of import part of any production to me). The plots are a little weird but still okay. The show succeeded enough to concord my brother's attention and mine too. But like I said, the theme music with the announcer'due south vox at the beginning is second to none in an opener for a kid's show.

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Buzz LIGHTYEAR is a very cool cartoon. I think information technology's absurd how they took a simple however fascinating graphic symbol from a successful picture show and gave him his ain prove. But instead of giving him his completely ain world, like most other spin-offs do, nosotros're at least a little familiar with the Buzz Lightyear elements (Emperor Zurg, the Galactic Brotherhood, the three budding martians). It fits in perfectly with the other slap-up One Sat Morn cartoons (WEEKENDERS, RECESS, Instructor'S PET, PEPPER ANN, MICKEY MOUSE). The ideas are very creative, and with a show taking place both in space and within the boundaries of the galaxies planets, anything can happen. I hope this show is popular among other kids, teens, and possibly even adults as well. I read TV Guide's review, and it seemed pretty good, pointing out it'south creativeness and energy. I promise it lasts for a while. Adam Carolla does a keen chore equally Commander Nebula, Larry Miller hits the nail on the caput with XR, Stephen Furst is goofy as Booster, Nicole Sullivan is a natural with Mira Nova, and Wayne Knight is disguised awesomely as the evil Emperor Zurg. Patrick Warburton is very, very impressive every bit Fizz Lightyear, a hard pair of shoes to fill in after Tim Allen did a beautiful job with him in the three movies. Lookout man Buzz Lightyear on One Saturday Morning on ABC, or on Disney'southward 1 Too, weekdays and Sundays. To infinity and beyond, beoch!

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This is a slap-up series!

Fizz Lightyear of Star Command was the logical evolution for the series which started off as a computer-generated movement picture. This series follows the adventures of the existent Fizz Lightyear (the television receiver series cartoon hero from the tv series inside the movie that the Buzz toy from the pic was based on in the movie.) It sounds complicated simply it's not. "Fizz Lightyear of Star Command" follows Fizz and his team of infinite rangers as they correct the evil emperor Zurg and other baddies in their universe. The series is delightful and very funny. I detect information technology rare to laugh-out-loud at an blithe show, peculiarly when there's no one to help fuel the laughter, but this bear witness strikes a funny nerve.

To conclude, this is a worthwhile so you should definitely bank check it out. I highly recommend it.

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An excellent cartoon series for the new century!

As a fan of the Toy Story serial, I can say this cartoon is truly cool! The characters are all well-developed and XR (the robot) is peculiarly amusing. The plots spoof Star Trek and Star Wars constantly with groovy results. Certain, Tim Allen isn't Buzz Lightyear, but Patrick Warburton does an splendid job and you can barely tell the difference. With weird and sometimes-offensive cartoons being released like Cow and Chicken and South Park, information technology's practiced to see a nice and clean action-comedy drawing like this one. Highly recommended!

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eight /10

Worthy and worth watching

I accept made no secret of loving Disney, not only their movies such as Beauty and the Animal, Sleeping Beauty and The Lion King, but too their shows similar Darkwing Duck, DuckTales and Talespin. Fizz LightYear of Star Command is a worthy serial and this is coming from a fan of the ii Pixar films, not the all-time show from Disney but infinitely better than the rubbish on the Disney channel now. The blitheness is skillful quality especially the galactic backgrounds, and the music is pleasant. The story lines and dialogues are intriguing and amusing, and the characters particularly beautiful and feisty Mira and villainous still fun Zurg are not bad. The voice acting is well done, Patrick Warburton started off a little shaky, and while Tim Allen captured the character better, Warburton does a decent plenty job. Zurg is brilliantly voiced past Wayne Knight though, and Warp has his great moments besides. Overall, worth watching and a worthy series, not the best out at that place, just an comeback on whatever of the shows airing at present. 8/10 Bethany Cox

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8 /10

Keen animated series with everyone'southward favorite Space Ranger.

After the release of the directly to home video release of "Fizz Lightyear of Starcommand". They made a TV series continuing the idea with more stories and plots.

Fizz, Booster, Meria, and X9 are all a team for Star Control. And together they protect the galactic system from villainy and terror from masterminds, criminals, and other forms of evil.

Throughout the series you lot'll see plenty of character development with the main characters. As well as some parodies from the Toy Story movies. A lot of the episodes are absurd to watch. Overrall information technology's absurd for a syndicated Television receiver series. May of ran for only 2 seasons. But it's a must for all Buzz Lightyear fans. Besides deserves a DVD box set.

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Disney Classic on Idiot box

The best drawing fabricated by Disney. Absurd characters skillful and bad. Shows great adventures of Fizz Lightyear and his space ranger friends. Along with a whole new bandage of characters is a great show loyal to Buzz Lightyear. Its followed by the movie which is how the cartoon begins.

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To infinity and across!

I liked the movie so I decided to checkout the TV series it'due south pretty practiced in fact this show introduces new characters. There's Fizz and his co airplane pilot Mira, Mira'south begetter King Nova, and Buzz's friends XR and Booster. There'due south besides Zurg he'due south got a partner named Warp Darkmatter and he's got his Grubs theyr'east sort of similar the LGM'due south. In that location'southward also XR's father Commander Nebula, and his brother 40. One time Buzz quit his task and moved in with a boy and his mother. Just he eventually went back to being a infinite ranger. If y'all like the movie you might like this TV serial so check it out you won't be dissappointed

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Dandy story and character design

I'd have to say that this is the best animated Disney show ever. I was dissapointed when I found out that Tim Allen was not providing his vocalisation for Buzz. I'm getting used to the new voice slowly. I love his team, though! XR is the funnest and I finish upwards quoting him often. Booster is cool, as well. He always manages to make you laugh. Mira Nova is awesome! She is, so far, the absolute best of the good guys! She tin be serious i minute and featherbrained the adjacent. I've never seen her flirt with Fizz, though. I remember they would be beautiful together! My favorite villian would have to be Warp Darkmatter! He's really cool and I love who does his voice! Diedrich Bader rules!

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9 /10

ane of my favorite Disney shows ever

Warning: Spoilers

Buzz Lightyear of Star Control is such an underrated show, why score of it has activity, characters, humor and feels exactly like a show that is perfect in terms of FUN!, something that is painfully missed these days. it'southward one of my favorite Disney shows i used to watch alongside "Recess" and "Pepper Ann" during the early 2000's.

riding on the success of "Toy Story 2" Disney/pixar pitched an hour- long moving-picture show (backdoor pilot) to an animated spin-off of Buzz Lightyear which is not a bad thought at all since buzz in films always mentions his mission as a space ranger, zurg and star command. "the chance begins" airplane pilot film was surprisingly good, a swell introduction to the characters, great activeness scenes, and slightly dark.

the series is a lot of fun. mostly character focused, with the space rangers: Buzz Lightyear as the leader, "Princess Mira Nova" second-in-command and my favorite graphic symbol, "XR" the short robot with many accessories and used to exist my favorite character when i was younger, "Booster" big alien and a old janitor, who admires buzz, and knows nigh everything most their space ranger rule volume and up-coming mission log. well-nigh episodes centers around saving their star control, planet or a milky way from zurg or other interesting villains.

the main villain Zurg is slightly more campy in the serial so the film, being over-the-top but nonetheless menacing, but e'er fail to destroy buzz or star control.

my just nitpick i had with the show, was fizz. he is very ii- dimensional and never really go's developed in the bear witness which is a shame. he has more development every bit a toy, then a human character in a spin-off bear witness!.

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8 /x

Excellent Show

I waited until i was 28 episodes in before I gave a review. I'm pleasantly surprised that after all that fourth dimension I'm still having a good time watching this show. Not every episode is solid gold, but none of them are stinkers, and the core cast is peachy. A galactic A-Squad vs Zurg and his many mercenary henchmen. Buzz is a delight every bit the do the right thing, self sacrificing, and very capable adept cop leader. His co-airplane pilot, Mira Nova, who is simply barely out of rookie status provides his best counter-balance. She is a well rounded character. XR or Experimental Ranger is a comedic R2-D2 meets Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet. And at that place is the large, only lovable Booster, the well-nigh inexperience fellow member of the team.

The plots are standard fare but then well executed, with clever dialog, that'll you easily forget that. Besides, Fizz Lightyear is light-hearted. It is more comedy than annihilation, simply that isn't a negative. It is truly a fun and enjoyable show.

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Sad, but no one can do Buzz like Tim Allen.

I don't know why, but Patrick Warburton can't make "To Infinity and Beyond" audio as cool as Tim Allen did.

This show is probably the best cartoon Disney'southward put out in years, a million years ahead of that stupid Tarzan serial that's in forepart of information technology. XR is my favorite, with Zurg a close second (Oddly, he comes off more as comic relief than scary.). The only matter I dislike about this evidence is Mira Nova. Something nearly Mira rubs me the wrong way (It seemed like she was flirting with Buzz in some episodes, a big No-No-Get out-Him-For-Jessie in my volume), although I'yard slowly warming upwardly to her.

In short, this serial is mostly cool. If you love Toy Story, you'll probably love, or at least similar, this.

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10 /x

Not Your Everyday Space Adventure

With moments that amuse children, and others that tin can brand fifty-fifty adults express joy out loud, Disney'south Buzz Lightyear of Star Control is truly a jewel amid failed Goggle box attempts. Highly underrated, Star Command took some of the best actors, from Patrick Warburton to Wayne Knight, and made a classy, hilarious adventure prove that deserved far more than the ii seasons it got. Join Booster, Mira, XR and of grade Fizz Lightyear on the action-packed adventures that do not disappoint, on the quest to rid the milky way of evil. XR is a personal favorite, with a quick, witty line always ready, while Booster has a childhood innocence about him that while abrasive, is almost somewhat charming. But the prove revolves around Fizz, a space ranger sworn to protect the milky way from harm and the evil Emperor Zurg, played past Wayne Knight.

Buzz Lightyear of Star Command gets v space stations out of five!

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8 /10

"Seinfeld" + Green Lantern Corps = Fizz Lightyear of Star Command

I really didn't call back I'd similar this cartoon when I first checked it out, only information technology turned out to exist a pretty good watch.

The conceptis simple--four Space Rangers protect various planets--but it'southward thequirky characters and crazy subplots that do the chore. From villains whose goal is to brand a planet slow and banal, to evil preteen clones of the heroes, the weird cast makes for good TV.

The four primary Rangers are nearly analogues to the Seinfeld gang: Buzz is the introverted and suspicious Jerry, Mira is the sly-notwithstanding-socially-awkward Elaine, Booster and George are both stubby mama'south boys, and Kramer and XR are just obviously crazy. And so at that place's the insecure archenemy: Emperor Zurg. Voiced past Newman, no less.

The voice acting is a little shaky merely it holds upward. The graphic symbol pattern works well and in some cases is pretty innovative. Animation's smooth for the most part. The writing never really has any boring spots, and some dialogue (specially Fizz/Zurg banter) can make you lot laugh out loud.

Overall, a pretty skillful prove, child's fare or not.

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10 /10

I like watching the Buzz cartoons as much as my son does

I have watched a lot of cartoons since having my trivial male child. He'due south now 2 one/ii and he loves Toy Story. When I first came across the Fizz Lightyear of Star Command cartoons on On Demand, I didn't like them because Buzz had a different voice, etc. Then, late one night out of desperation to entertain my son, I watched ane all the mode through, and was hooked (and so was my son.) These cartoons are really funny and grown-ups will love them as much as the kids will.

I hold with the other posters that a DVD of all the episodes would be great. I wish I had taped them when I had the chance. I found out through this website that information technology's on the Disney channel at 2am (eastern fourth dimension) and then I'm going to showtime recording them.

One of our favorites is Gravitina. Hilarious. This character is a self-involved villainess. I bet we all know someone who thinks the world revolves around him/her. I know we do, and our secret proper noun for her is yep- Gravitina. Hehehe.

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10 /10

Exactly what I hoped information technology would exist.

I really like Buzz Lightyear of Star Control. It has everything to exist a proficient kids' show, and even more to it that works for an older audition, too.

It is fun, action, likable characters and good story lines that are kind of a Star Wars for the little ones. Non strictly for kids, because I'm certain adults will catch more of the referential humour, and believe me, information technology'southward filled with clever spins on other sci-fi tropes especially Star Wars. Even the intro tunes has a certain SW vibe. And Patrick Warburton did a great job equally Buzz Lightyear, making him both engaging, fun and a man of his job.

The characters and the one-act are the all-time parts of this testify. The gang of infinite rangers the show circles effectually are keen. We have the potent and feisty female named Mira who is a princess, but hates to be referred to as such. We have this eager and enthusiastic creature of some sort called Booster who was a former janitor at Star Control who was offered a place as a rookie with Buzz. And last but not to the lowest degree we have the Experimental Ranger mainly shortened to XR who was fabricated by the little green men at Star Command. He is mainly the comic relief spewing one-liners, but doesn't come off as obnoxious.

Wayne Knight as the Evil Emperor Zurg is also a hilarious comedic villain. When he and Buzz meet you are guaranteed many good laughs.

And I can't assist finding this universe so immursive and filled with fun details, even with its many Star Wars similarities. My favorite of these SW similarities was this vampire robot chosen Nos-4-A-two. Get it, vampire equals nosferatu and spelled like that haha, clever one! Watch the evidence and you'll find more SW inspiration.

I think this is a prime example of a spin-off series we didn't know nosotros wanted! I can say with my utmost certainty that it is exactly what I wanted.

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10 /10

To Infinity and Beyond

I loved that evidence since I was a kid on Disney's One Saturday Morning's on ABC. Star Command emphasizes the importance of teamwork and of post-obit the rules. Buzz learns the value of having a partner. This is a great spin-off of Toy Story.

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ten /10

A Surprising Lack of Cheese!

When I starting time heard about Buzz Lightyear of Star Control, I idea it sounded like a cheesy try to brand money off the popular Buzz Lightyear character. Was I ever wrong! I've starting watching information technology and it'southward become one of my favorite TV shows.

The serial follows the adventures of Buzz Lightyear, the noble infinite hero, and his team of lovable rookie Space Rangers: Princess Mira Nova, Booster Sinclair Munchapper, and XR (the eXperimental Ranger), every bit they protect the galaxy from evil. Namely the Evil Emperor Zurg and his nasty side-kicks.

The writing is vivid, the plot lines of the episodes are artistic and total of sense of humor and activity. XR is particularly funny, but all of the characters accept great lines. The blitheness of the show is well-done; the cel blitheness and brilliant colors are a beauty to watch, and the shading on the characters (something that most of Disney'southward animated shows don't take) brings information technology to whole new level. The score, written by Adam Berry, is definitely up to par with any and all of Disney's distinctively fantastic music, and I'd love to encounter a soundtrack released someday.

They say y'all shouldn't judge a book by its embrace; well, don't guess a Television show by its championship either. Have an open up mind, and give this show a hazard, you won't regret it.

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10 /10

Toy Story Superior!

This is one tough crowd being so hard on a production of rare quality for me - cranked out of that D-con desperate Mouse Factory, which has left my teeth gritted & fists clenched since I 1st set up eyes on that silly thing, that came up waaay short in the laughs department vs. Bugs Bunny & Co, Popeye and Tom & Jerry, where the in-sync musical selections were the very bedrock (!) of my musical appreciation. In fact one-time Fizz hither was part of a charming unique quartet, including Recess, Tarzan (grew slowly on me but is the only iteration of that grapheme I've liked) & Sabrina, which only a single episode yielded more laughs outta me than the entire runs of its pallid original (so weak in humor that even its canned laughter was faint), Seinfeld/Friends & Cosby/Different World. I wish all 4 could've lasted longer but some beats none, especially coming out of that Rat Hole outfit. Buzz works far better as a standalone than those tedious Toy Story movies, of which not a one have I been able to tolerate more than than a few minutes' viewing - like the 6 wasted Tolkien-based cinematic wrecks. Thong Stanks even as an blithe character leaves me flat as an IHOP pancake. Simply I have to give props where props is due, that urban Radar O'Reilly in Seinfeld was absolutely hilarious as Zurg, which like Connick in the contemporary The Atomic number 26 Giant (1999), has to be his best office (can't meet em); he just really lived & breathed the nighttime comedic Evil - which like Baltar in Battlestar Galactica kept getting shot downwards, but such a delight to see unfold (except in the about serious episode, Revenge Of The Monsters, in which Zurg demonstrated spooky Darth Vader-like ruthlessness). I love everything most Buzz Lightyear - the many famous guest voices, including Nichelle Nichols & Estimate Mills Lane of all people, lending depth to fifty-fifty a single appearance which leaves the stale repertoire of The Simpsons sounding even more hear-through than it already was. The Comedy Relief duo of slick-witted XR & worried merely loyal Booster alone provide more than laughs than the above-mentioned, but the best characteristic of this program I wonder has been appreciated to the fullest that it deserves - namely the Background Score. This Adam Berry was so conspicuously inspired past, though non simply derivative of, infinite opera music legends similar Alexander Courage & his crew - and specially, & ironically given the 1999 date (Barf Wars one) that sadly heralded the beginning of his "your powers are weak!" downhill slide, John Williams. His opening music lone has a catchy vigor to information technology that makes the audition eager to see what'due south coming, which the opening-credits fanfares and then evocative of, yet a freshened take on, Star Trek & Star Wars, leave a practically Marvin the Martian-like "Oh goody!" feeling. He pairs his music to the action with the sometime-school skill of Stallings, Franklyn & Curtin. But Adam Berry created atmospheric themes aside from the heady "galactic" ones that bring to mind the Millennium Falcon pursuit(southward) in The Empire Strikes Back (1980), such equally the sugariness music that underwrote Princess Mira'south reunion with her estranged lover from the incorrect side of the planetary tracks & the seductively potent little horns-infused theme which accompanied Buzz's rowr-rowr smackdown of Gravitina (simply to salvage the galaxy, of course). There were a few thuds, unsurprisingly, as in whatever filmed presentation, but while a kiddy cartoon, the writing in Buzz - similar the other 3 - is not "childish;" the plotlines & dialogue have an adult-level quality that's edumacational without being patronizing, sprinkled with some "wickedness" that would accept had the clammy handed censors in the Dark Ages '50s flapping their Tara fans & swooning on the divan -'& of course banning it. I haven't seen any of them on television for quite awhile - that cursed Rodent either has them entombed somewhere or syndicated out of my attain - but an ancient modality called "vhs" provides archival (& commercial-free) footage; I just accept to supersede the machine & voila! That vapid stupid Mouse that destroyed Star Wars is left to milkshake its mitt & grit its choppers in "Curse you!" fury like Zurg while I reacquaint myself with delights I never could have imagined possible from an outfit making bank off such uncreatively named balderdash similar "cars." (sic). I had among other anniversaries last year both adept & not - "I wonder why" - forgotten about Buzz Lightyear & Co.'s 20th ceremony, but the original NOS4A2 (heisted for the title of some recent tv bear witness or other), the other villainous threats to Star Command, & the dedicated Rangers under the violent gaze of crusty Commander Nebula will ever have the power to make me laugh, thrill to the music & relish the ride "To infinity!" infinite times. Thank you for that, Rat!

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7 /10

Practiced cartoon.

A'la such Star Wars, only fifty-fifty Buzz Lightyear of Star Command has a more interesting course of events than in ordinary Star Wars.

There are very interesting villains such as Zurg, Xl and NOS4A2, TORQUE, who can exist funny in some cases.

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2 /10

Okay just I wouldn't recommend...

I bought this DVD for my young son who loves the ToyStory movies. I never expected it to be in the aforementioned league as the Toystory movies but what I got was but some other lazy Disney cartoon, way beneath what I expected from Disney/Pixar. The story is unoriginal, the characters are dull and two dimensional, the blitheness is beneath par, fifty-fifty Buzz isn't that great. The picture could have been so much better. I specially hated the paint by numbers storyline. I know information technology's meant for kids, simply fifty-fifty kids know when something stinks to this level lameness.

Although I did enjoy some aspects of the movie, I actually liked the opening section of the flick, with the slag mutant monster, it just went downhill from at that place.

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1 /ten

Fizz Lightyear Of Star Command was the Stupidest and Backwards Cartoon Ever Made By Disney TV Animation

Homo were do I outset,everything about this Cartoon from the Episodes,to the Stories,Script, an Animation is to me the Stupidest,Dummest and Most Annoying Cartoon that Walt Disney Tv set Animation e'er CREATED and MADE ,Im so glad that Both Toon Disney (2006) and Disney Channel to End Ambulation information technology in the U.S. equally Of This May 2008.

Believe me it'south A wise choice to skip this out cast and black deject of A cartoon,if you watch information technology don't say I did non alert an warn you lot.

Your in for A Tedious and Downwards right Tedious and Disruptive Time,I wish and pray I never even saw 1 Episode of this Cartoon Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command. If I could I would take the Part of my Brain removed that Remembers watching it,yeah it is and was that Bad.

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